Spike Milligan
Content warning: This episode of our podcast contains discussions of racist tropes and inappropriate depictions of races and cultures because this episode of The Muppet Show contains those things and, well, that was kind of Spike Milligan’s whole deal. It’s a small world after all, and he offended most of it, including Britain and America (I know you do!). There are arguably (and we will argue about it!) some salvageable bits here, like a trip to Disneyland by way of Oklahoma and Brazil, cute dogs, Mah Nah Mah Nah in a grass skirt, bagpipes getting destroyed, and, as always, Frank Oz being very good at his job. But we definitely think you should listen to us talk about this episode rather than watch this episode. And if you don’t feel like doing that either, come back in two weeks for one that’s almost as confusing definitely less racist!
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Bouncing Baby GIFs
With Our Very Special Guest Star…Spike Milligan!
At The Dance
(We acknowledge it was problematic that she played Maria, but Adam is never going to pass up the opportunity to share a Debbie Allen video. She would have made a great Muppet Show guest.)
If you want to go insane, here's a playlist of 51 different "rare" versions highlighting different orchestrations of the song heard in different parts of the ride:
The Question Is...Who Cares?

They didn’t even try to give these kids on Little House On The Prairie non-1979 hair.