Loretta Swit

If you watched MASH alda time like we did as kids, you’ll love the Loretta Swit episode! It made the earth move under our feet even though we were side by side (by side) and there ain’t nobody here but us chickens when Kermit tried to fire Piggy. And what would we do without our guest star and fantastic Miss Piggy expert, Peter Savieri?

With Our Very Special Guest Star…Peter Savieri!

Artist, writer and character designer Peter Savieri has worked in pre production for film and advertising, directed music videos, designed characters for brands from Samsung to Clorox, and mascots for major international sporting events.

He’s probably best known to muppet fans as the guy who painted the portrait of Miss Piggy for 2011’s The Muppets, and consulted on the build of the Piggy puppet for that film.

Peter’s Instagram

The Fantastic Miss Piggy Podcast: The Look of Love (video edition!)

Bouncing Baby GIFs

With Our Very Special Guest Star…Loretta Swit!

“Anything and everything Loreta Swit” Playlist

At The Dance

Miscellaneous Muppeturgy

The Question Is...Who Cares?


Joan Baez


Gene Kelly